Main Features

The Only Unique Combination of Heme Iron And Polysaccharide Available In Iran

High Absorption And Bioavailability

Use At Any Time of The Day (With Or Without Food)

Minimal Digestive Complications Such As Constipation, Nausea, etc.

Suitable Even For Sensitive People In Iron Tolerance


It can be obtained from valid pharmaceutical centers in the country


Where to buy?

قابل استفاده برای بهبود کم خونی ناشی از فقر آهن

Can Be Used To Improve Iron Deficiency Anemia

با حداقل میزان عوارض گوارشی

Minimal Gastrointestinal Side Effects

مناسب استفاده در بیماران حساس به مصرف آهن

Suitable For Use In Patients Sensitive To Iron Consumption

فاقد طعم فلزی

No Metallic Taste

تشکیل شده از با کیفیت ترین مواد اولیه سویسی

Consisting of The Highest Quality Swiss Ingredients

قابل استفاده به صورت یک بار در روز

Can be used once a day


30 Pieces/Packing as 2 Blisters of 15 Pieces In a Box

A Unique Formulation In Improving Iron Deficiency

Anemia is one of the common problems for many people, including women of childbearing and breastfeeding age. Menstrual bleeding, pregnancy and breastfeeding are among the underlying reasons for the reduction of red blood cells and thus the formation of this problem. But sometimes, not having a healthy diet, not consuming enough blood-forming foods, unprincipled vegetarian diets, surgical complications, and some diseases can make us suffer from anemia. Although there are different types of anemia, iron deficiency anemia is usually considered the most common cause of this problem and affects a high percentage of the population of teenage girls and women of childbearing and breastfeeding age. Uni Ferro supplement containing appropriate amounts of iron with high absorbability is available to improve this situation.

Contains A Complex of Iron, Exactly The Same As The Iron Found In Food

The ratio of heme iron and non-heme iron, which is used in the form of polysaccharide-coated iron, is exactly equivalent to the ratio of iron in the food you consume during the day. The purpose of Uni Ferro production is to create a supplement based on a type of iron with high absorbability and tolerance and maximum effectiveness as a result of accelerating the improvement of the blood reserves of a person suffering from anemia.

High Absorbency

.وجود آهن هِم در ترکیب با آهن با پوشش پلی ساکاریدی، منجر به افزایش جذب آهن به علت اثر هم افزایی این دو فرم از آهن می شود. آهن هِم به میزان 6 میلی گرم و آهن با پوشش پلی ساکاریدی به میزان 34 میلی گرم داخل این مکمل به کار رفته است. نحوه متفاوت جذب این دو فرم از آهن تحت تاثیر مواد غذایی استفاده شده در طول روز به طور مثال چای و غلات و... قرار نمی گیرد. در نتیجه هیچ گونه تداخلی در جذب آن ایجاد نمی شود.

Minimal Amount of Digestive Complications

The use of heme iron and polysaccharide together with each other minimizes the amount of gastrointestinal side effects (for example, nausea and constipation) due to the different absorption of each of the irons used, and its consumption compared to other iron formulations and it will be more favorable for the person. uni ferro supplement is the best option for all people, even pregnant women and people who have intolerance to chemical iron salts.

Contains Vitamin C With High Antioxidant Properties

Vitamin C found in uni ferro supplements is an important antioxidant that is very effective in maintaining the body's immune system against the effects of oxidative factors. The presence of this vitamin prevents the destruction of red blood cells and thus preserves Blood reserves in the body help. Vitamin C also provides an acidic environment for the activation and absorption of iron.

Contains Folic Acid For Higher Effectiveness

Folic acid is one of the most important factors in improving hematopoiesis, and it is almost essential for most biological activities, including the health of the nervous system in the body. The presence of folic acid along with other ferro ionic compounds helps to improve the reserves of red blood cells and of course the effective absorption of iron and is useful for solving anemia problems.

Contains Vitamin B12

This vitamin is one of the most essential compounds effective in hematopoiesis. Vitamin B12 breaks down homocysteine, which is one of the harmful side substances in the body, and reduces the risk of problems such as stroke and heart attack, and at the same time, it is effective for strengthening the nervous system and the normal functioning of brain neurons. The presence of this vitamin among ferro-ion compounds is one of the most essential things (along with folic acid) for health during pregnancy.

Contains Vitamin B6 To Prevent Anemia

Vitamin B6 is another effective factor in improving iron absorption. Getting a sufficient amount of this vitamin prevents the occurrence of anemia problems because it plays an effective role in activating the enzyme that creates hemoglobin.


Ingredient of

Nutritional Facts
پلی ساکارید آهن
Iron Polysaccharide
More Effective Absorption of Iron
آهن هِم
Heme Iron
Iron Equivalent In Food
ویتامین C
Vitamin C
Strengthen the immune system
اسید فولیک
Folic Acid
Prevention And Treatment Of Anemia
ویتامین B12
Vitamin B12
Effective In Hematopoiesis
ویتامین B6
Vitamin B6
Prevention of Anemia


UNi FERO is an iron supplement suitable for the prevention and treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency. The performance and effectiveness of this supplement is effective in improving anemia caused by iron deficiency, maintaining the health of red blood cells and the health of the nervous system.

موثر در بهبود کم خونی ناشی از فقر آهن
Effective In Improving Anemia Caused By Iron Deficiency

Uniferro is a nutritional supplement for the prevention and treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency with a special formulation containing the most effective compounds, i.e. 40 mg of elemental iron consisting of (34 mg of iron with a polysaccharide coating and 6 mg of iron in the form of a polypeptide). ) is next to another, which improves iron reserves in the body with efficient absorption and of course with minimal side effects due to the different absorption of each of the irons used in it, and at the same time, along with vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid help prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia.

سازگار با دستگاه گوارش
Compatible With The Digestive System

Using two formulations of heme and polysaccharide iron alongside each other helps to effectively absorb iron. Apart from that, the existence of these two formulations next to each other has synergistic effects and thus strengthens the absorption of the other. With this formulation (combination of heme iron with polysaccharide iron), Uniferro has minimal side effects. Its tolerability is completely in line with the digestive system and high, and finally it can be said that the consumption of this supplement will be the best option for pregnant people and people who have intolerance to iron chemical salts.

جذب آهن هم در معده
Absorption of Iron In The Stomach

Another unique feature of uni ferro supplement is the use of 6 mg of iron in the form of heme iron. Heme iron is completely natural and equivalent to the iron found in food. The presence of this form of iron has many benefits. Including its absorption in the stomach and completely similar to food. Therefore, it is effectively and completely absorbed.

جذب آهن پلی ساکاریدی در ابتدای روده
Polysaccharide Iron Absorption In The Small Intestine

یکی از ترکیبات تشکیل دهنده ی مکمل یونی فرو میزان 34 میلی گرم آهن با پوشش پلی ساکاریدی می باشد. این فرمولاسیون که علاوه بر جذب موثر، از حداقل میزان عوارض جانبی گوارشی معمول در مصرف مکمل های آهن از جمله تهوع، استفراغ و نفخ برخوردار است. زیرا از حل شدن و جذب سریع آهن در بدن جلوگیری می کند و به نوعی سبب می شود تا آهن موجود در مکمل یونی فرو دست نخورده وارد روده شود و جذب آن به صورت آهسته تر در روده انجام گردد. این ویژگی سبب می شود تا بدن فرصت بیشتری برای برداشت آهن داشته باشد.

با قابلیت درمان کم خونی شدید ناشی از فقر آهن
With The Ability To Treat Severe Anemia Caused By Iron Deficiencys

Uni Ferro supplement is recommended for the prevention and treatment of mild, moderate and even severe anemia caused by iron deficiency, improving the functioning of the nervous system and of course for health during pregnancy (under the supervision of a specialist doctor) to help the formation of the nervous system of the fetus and prevent disease Congenital diseases caused by the lack of development of the fetal nervous system.

حفظ سلامت گلبول های قرمز
Maintaining The Health of Red Blood Cells

Vitamin C found in UNi FERO supplement compounds is an important antioxidant that is very effective in maintaining the body's immune system against the effects of oxidative factors. Apart from that, it is necessary to know that the presence of this vitamin prevents the destruction of red blood cells and thus helps maintain blood reserves in the body.

مناسب جهت استفاده در افراد حساس و خانم های باردار
Suitable For Use In Sensitive People And Pregnant Women

Taking this supplement is useful for maintaining general health, and due to its unique formulation, it can be used with the highest level of effectiveness even for the most sensitive people to the use of iron supplements, including pregnant women.

Doctor's Opinions About This Medicine


  • بهترین زمان برای مصرف این مکمل چه زمانی است؟

    It is recommended to take the Uni Ferro supplement one hour before or one hour after a meal.

  • چند عدد از این مکمل در روز نیاز است؟

    According to the severity of your anemia, the doctor determines the dosage of the supplement. But the recommended amount of this supplement is one daily.

  • آیا مصرف این مکمل با مواد غذایی در تداخل است؟

    no Due to the special formulation of the ion supplement, its consumption does not interfere with certain foods such as tea and coffee. Also, there is no need to take vitamin C.

  • چه قدر طول می کشد تا نتیجه ی مثبت این مکمل را در روند درمانم ببینم؟

    The duration of complete recovery depends on your physical condition and the severity of your anemia. It is recommended Usually, after the first days of treatment and taking supplements containing iron (depending on the level of anemia), symptoms of anemia and hemoglobin level will improve.

  • آیا این مکمل بدون نسخه قابل خریداری است؟ از کجا می توانم تهیه کنم؟

    Yes. UNi FERO supplement can be purchased from valid pharmacies all over Iran.

  • مصرف این مکمل در بارداری مجاز است؟

    بله. با مشورت پزشک متخصص مصرف مکمل یونی فرو یکی از موثرترین راه ها برای تامین آهن مورد نیاز شما در این دوران است. فرمولاسیون ویژه این مکمل کاملا سازگار با بدن شماست و بدون نگرانی از وجود عوارض گوارشی در این دوران قابل استفاده می باشد.

  • آیا این مکمل برای کم خونی شدید هم مورد استفاده است؟

    Yes. UNi FERO supplement can be used to prevent anemia caused by iron deficiency and also to treat it in cases of mild, moderate and severe anemia.

About Abian Group Brand

Abian Daroo is committed to producing quality products and taking into account the domestic needs in Iran's pharmaceutical and nutritional supplements industry and using expert forces, it tries to play a constructive role in the country's health system by supplying quality nutritional supplements according to the needs of the society.

The Best Ingredient

In The Production Process of All Abian Products, The Highest Quality Raw Materials Are Used In The Form of Swiss Premix.

Advanced Formulation

One of The Features of Abian Daroo Products Is The Use of Unique Formulations And Compounds Specially Designed For Every Need.

Advanced Laboratories

Abian Daroo Has Always Tried To Move In The Research And Development of Products As Well As The Use of Modern Technologies At The Edge of Science And Technology, And In This Regard, It Uses The Highest Standards In Its Laboratories.

Quality Control

Product Safety And The Health of Your Loved Ones Is An Inseparable Part of Our Values. Therefore, All Abian Daroo Products Go Through Several Stages of Quality Control.

Distribution Throughout The Country

Abian Daroo Products Are Available In Any Part of The Country From valid Pharmacies

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